Below is a sample list of celebrities we can book for you at Rachel Dalton.
Although we do not represent the following musical artists, our reputation and client base enables us to have contacts with the biggest superstars in the industry. We can get in touch with any celebrity in which you are interested. If any of the musical artists are in your local area during your event, we can help secure them for your private, corporate or charity event at a fraction of the cost!
Alexa had our guests in tears as she sang a moving tribute to our daughter, in honor of her bat mitzvah. Alexa’s version of her father’s classic, "I Love You Just the Way You Are," was just the right complement for our party. Rachel did an amazing job working with not only Alexa, but her technical production team as well. So glad we did this – the experience was priceless!
-Parent of Bat Mitzvah girl